When I was little girl I wanted to be an astronaut.
I would bought every single magazine that where about planet and universe and I would drew them (in colors of course) with every single details that could be included (such as different stratums, components, ...). I had a planetarium that spread the stars as they would be at this day of the year on the ceiling of my bedroom (and I of course used to know by heart almost all the constellations).
I even drew the Al Bop comet way thorough the sky when it passed over our heads.
Well, as you may have noticed I am finally not an astronaut but the Universe is still passionating for me (even if I gave up on these drawing and planetarium things) and that is maybe why I love my new necklace that much.
It's made with pyrites stones but I love to think that its meteorite instead, this detail remind me kind memories from my kid's dream.

Sequins sweater :: H&M
Stars top :: Zara
faux-leather pant :: Zara
Shoes :: New Look
Sunglasses :: H&M
Bag :: Marc by Marc Jacobs
Scarf :: souvenir de Russie
Get the Look ::
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